
Good-Life Farming
Rose Veal, Rare Breed Pork & Charcuterie
We are Good-Life Farming, known individually as Karen (that’s me), my husband Donald, daughters Hannah and Ailidh and of course, Dad Jim. We are a family run business based in Perthshire.
Good-Life Farming started as an idea, pitched from Donald to my dad and I in 2013. The idea was to buy in Dairy Bull Calves and rear them to prevent them being shot.
We started out making Biltong, Chorizo and Salami, and have now expanded into a wide range of charcuterie products, including a selection of traditional Soppressata, Air Dried Ham and Bresaola For all other requests, please contact us.
We sell products that the whole family have been involved in nurturing throughout every step of the process, and we couldn’t be prouder of how far we have come as a family business.
Other cuts available at farmers markets and for collection at our unit by prior arrangement.
Good-Life Farming started as an idea, pitched from Donald to my dad and I in 2013. The idea was to buy in Dairy Bull Calves and rear them to prevent them being shot.
We started out making Biltong, Chorizo and Salami, and have now expanded into a wide range of charcuterie products, including a selection of traditional Soppressata, Air Dried Ham and Bresaola For all other requests, please contact us.
We sell products that the whole family have been involved in nurturing throughout every step of the process, and we couldn’t be prouder of how far we have come as a family business.
Other cuts available at farmers markets and for collection at our unit by prior arrangement.
