
Chardon Macarons
Since we established Chardon Macarons, we have gone from making a few to sell as part of our dessert restaurant menu to now making thousands a week. We now sell throughout our restaurants, our deli, at markets around Scotland, and for wholesale to private companies. Finally, the search is over for a perfectly made Macaron!
So why Chardon? Well, the name Chardon translates to Thistle. We wanted to dedicate our Macarons to the wonderful country we call our home, and what is more fitting than the French name for the beautiful Flower of Scotland.
I spent lots of time testing my recipe and methods to get the perfect combination of a smooth crispy shell softening, down to a melt in your mouth ganache at the centre.
The recipe has now been passed on to our in house Pâtissier Chef, who experiments with many different flavours, so we always have something different for our customers to choose from.
Apart from the diversity of flavours, what makes our Macarons unique is that we fill them generously with an intense flavoured ganache, using only the best of ingredients, the chocolate of course, nuts, spices and fruits. Chardon Macarons are bigger and with more filling than any other Macarons
So why Chardon? Well, the name Chardon translates to Thistle. We wanted to dedicate our Macarons to the wonderful country we call our home, and what is more fitting than the French name for the beautiful Flower of Scotland.
I spent lots of time testing my recipe and methods to get the perfect combination of a smooth crispy shell softening, down to a melt in your mouth ganache at the centre.
The recipe has now been passed on to our in house Pâtissier Chef, who experiments with many different flavours, so we always have something different for our customers to choose from.
Apart from the diversity of flavours, what makes our Macarons unique is that we fill them generously with an intense flavoured ganache, using only the best of ingredients, the chocolate of course, nuts, spices and fruits. Chardon Macarons are bigger and with more filling than any other Macarons
