
Fun Junction
A traditional ‘Ye Olde Toy Shop’ with an extensive range covering from old favourites to many new surprises, Fun Junction is an independent, family run toyshop company based in Perthshire, Scotland. We have two branches, one in Perth and a second smaller, but very important, shop in our home-town of Crieff.
We have something for everyone, filled to the brim with puzzles, games, science kits, arts and crafts, construction kits, books, the list goes on and on! We offer lots of bonuses too, including a Loyalty Card scheme, a year-round Savers Club, gift wrapping, local click-and-collect from our website and accept the Perth Card.
We strongly believe in learning through play, and take pride in knowing we stock high quality items from a wide variety of fantastic companies that strive to get the most out of playtime. Allowing children to explore the world around them and their own imaginations through hands-on games and toys not only helps develop important skills such as hand-eye coordination and concentration, it boosts their natural curiosity and keeps them asking why and how. Crafts that can develop new skills, kits that bring science to life (sometimes literally), games that can teach and puzzles that get the mind going - and for any age too (after all, you are never too old to have fun!)
We have something for everyone, filled to the brim with puzzles, games, science kits, arts and crafts, construction kits, books, the list goes on and on! We offer lots of bonuses too, including a Loyalty Card scheme, a year-round Savers Club, gift wrapping, local click-and-collect from our website and accept the Perth Card.
We strongly believe in learning through play, and take pride in knowing we stock high quality items from a wide variety of fantastic companies that strive to get the most out of playtime. Allowing children to explore the world around them and their own imaginations through hands-on games and toys not only helps develop important skills such as hand-eye coordination and concentration, it boosts their natural curiosity and keeps them asking why and how. Crafts that can develop new skills, kits that bring science to life (sometimes literally), games that can teach and puzzles that get the mind going - and for any age too (after all, you are never too old to have fun!)
