
How Can We Help?
Maintaining homes, business premises & gardens in Perth & Perthshire for over 15 years.
We do two types of work & we do them really well: Fixing & Repairing what's already broken and proactive Home, Business & Garden Maintenance.
So, if any of this applies to you
Not quite so able?
Not got time?
Not got tools?
Not a DIY expert?
Working lots of hours?
Needing more family or leisure time?
Trying to manage a rental property?
Living away from home?
Responsible for an elderly relative?
Don’t be under pressure, call our office now. We can get your odd jobs done & your home, business & garden maintenance up to date. Problem solved.
For your convenience we offer guaranteed appointment times, ½ hourly billing to accommodate even the smallest job, & payment by Debit/Credit Card & BACS.
For your peace of mind our staff are uniformed & drive vehicles clearly showing the Company Logo. They are vetted & cleared by Disclosure Scotland, so we know you are in safe hands. We are members of Better Business Partnership, the trusted trader scheme created by Perth & Kinross Council & Police Scotland. We are fully insured, a SEPA licensed waste carrier, always go over charges in advance and provide an itemised invoice at the end of the job.
Our team has been a constant since 2007. Whys that? Because we look after each other. By joining our family of customers, we’ll look after you too. So, whether you need your garden tidied, shower or bath resealed, fence painted, shed roof re-felted, driveway power washed etc etc we’re here for you.
For more examples of what we can do for you & to read our customer testimonials visit our website at www.howcanwehelpltd.co.uk
We look forward to helping you 😊
We do two types of work & we do them really well: Fixing & Repairing what's already broken and proactive Home, Business & Garden Maintenance.
So, if any of this applies to you
Not quite so able?
Not got time?
Not got tools?
Not a DIY expert?
Working lots of hours?
Needing more family or leisure time?
Trying to manage a rental property?
Living away from home?
Responsible for an elderly relative?
Don’t be under pressure, call our office now. We can get your odd jobs done & your home, business & garden maintenance up to date. Problem solved.
For your convenience we offer guaranteed appointment times, ½ hourly billing to accommodate even the smallest job, & payment by Debit/Credit Card & BACS.
For your peace of mind our staff are uniformed & drive vehicles clearly showing the Company Logo. They are vetted & cleared by Disclosure Scotland, so we know you are in safe hands. We are members of Better Business Partnership, the trusted trader scheme created by Perth & Kinross Council & Police Scotland. We are fully insured, a SEPA licensed waste carrier, always go over charges in advance and provide an itemised invoice at the end of the job.
Our team has been a constant since 2007. Whys that? Because we look after each other. By joining our family of customers, we’ll look after you too. So, whether you need your garden tidied, shower or bath resealed, fence painted, shed roof re-felted, driveway power washed etc etc we’re here for you.
For more examples of what we can do for you & to read our customer testimonials visit our website at www.howcanwehelpltd.co.uk
We look forward to helping you 😊
