
Norrie Sloan
Norrie Sloan Tree Services offer a first class service and have been in business for over 35 years. We are a fully professional tree management company operating comprehensive tree and woodland management services throughout East Scotland.
Our philosophy and aim is to undertake a superior quality of work in every aspect of arboriculture, from small private client work to large commercial work.
As tree surgeons we offer sound and honest advice on the many and diverse projects undertaken by our clients. We strive to raise awareness of the importance of trees in our landscape in today's environmentally conscious world and to ensure that trees under our clients' care are managed responsibly from the view point of conservation, health and safety issues and liability.
Our customers have included amongst others, Local Authorities, Structural Engineers, Highway Authorities, Private Estates, Builders and Developers and many private individuals.
Norrie Sloan Tree Services cares for all our customers, large and small, on a personal and individual basis. The complete services available from us and information on trees and tree care, can be found within this website.
Tree reports and surveys available upon request.
Professional or Not?
We are a professional Tree Surgery company - fully certificated including NPTC / City & Guilds Chainsaw resits (required now every 3 years) with full liability insurance. Don't fall foul to hiring non certified/insured so-called tradesmen - you could find yourself liable if an accident happens on your own private land, garden estate etc.
Don't be afraid to ask for proof of insurance/certification, risk assessments or method statements - if they are genuine they will not hesitate to provide this for you!
Our philosophy and aim is to undertake a superior quality of work in every aspect of arboriculture, from small private client work to large commercial work.
As tree surgeons we offer sound and honest advice on the many and diverse projects undertaken by our clients. We strive to raise awareness of the importance of trees in our landscape in today's environmentally conscious world and to ensure that trees under our clients' care are managed responsibly from the view point of conservation, health and safety issues and liability.
Our customers have included amongst others, Local Authorities, Structural Engineers, Highway Authorities, Private Estates, Builders and Developers and many private individuals.
Norrie Sloan Tree Services cares for all our customers, large and small, on a personal and individual basis. The complete services available from us and information on trees and tree care, can be found within this website.
Tree reports and surveys available upon request.
Professional or Not?
We are a professional Tree Surgery company - fully certificated including NPTC / City & Guilds Chainsaw resits (required now every 3 years) with full liability insurance. Don't fall foul to hiring non certified/insured so-called tradesmen - you could find yourself liable if an accident happens on your own private land, garden estate etc.
Don't be afraid to ask for proof of insurance/certification, risk assessments or method statements - if they are genuine they will not hesitate to provide this for you!
