A small hedgehog rescue and rehabilitation centre based in Inchture, Perth and Kinross.
In the Spring of 2020 following early retirement a few months earlier, I found a hedgehog out in the garden during the day. Realising something was wrong I took it to Forth Hedgehog Hospital.
This fuelled my interest in hedgehogs and led to me finding out more. I joined a Facebook group called ‘Hedgehogs!’
After a few months FHH contacted me and I went to collect Phileas (as I named him) so that I could release him back into my garden, at this point I’d already learnt a lot about the needs of hedgehogs and had purchased a hedgehog house and feeding station.
After a couple of years volunteering, during which I expanded my knowledge about hedgehogs by reading and receiving training I decided to open my own rescue HogsCroft Hedgehog Rescue.’
Thank you for reading about us. Please follow us on Facebook.
In the Spring of 2020 following early retirement a few months earlier, I found a hedgehog out in the garden during the day. Realising something was wrong I took it to Forth Hedgehog Hospital.
This fuelled my interest in hedgehogs and led to me finding out more. I joined a Facebook group called ‘Hedgehogs!’
After a few months FHH contacted me and I went to collect Phileas (as I named him) so that I could release him back into my garden, at this point I’d already learnt a lot about the needs of hedgehogs and had purchased a hedgehog house and feeding station.
After a couple of years volunteering, during which I expanded my knowledge about hedgehogs by reading and receiving training I decided to open my own rescue HogsCroft Hedgehog Rescue.’
Thank you for reading about us. Please follow us on Facebook.