
With well over 3 decades of experience Private Gourmet Chef takes pride in delivering a world class dining experience in the comfort of your own home or at your holiday accommodation with our restaurant @home experience.
Or try something different on a remote beach, alongside a river, in a secluded glen or up on top of a Munroe and in fact just about anywhere you can think of and we can access.
Nothing is impossible with prior planning and the will to succeed. We can deliver your vision and give a unique experience for meat lovers, pescatarians, vegetarians and vegans.
Based in rural Perthshire we pride ourselves in having a sustainable, traceable, and ethical food sourcing and product procurement policy that goes well beyond what is the norm these days.
We also specialise in all styles of open fire cooking and have a great repertoire of cuisine styles and flexibility.
We’ve got the experience to cover your needs, be it dinner parties, shoot lunches, weddings, a private chef to cater for your week away or simply just to help out in anyway we can.
Our can do, will attitude is to make it easier and more pleasurable for you and your guests.
Or try something different on a remote beach, alongside a river, in a secluded glen or up on top of a Munroe and in fact just about anywhere you can think of and we can access.
Nothing is impossible with prior planning and the will to succeed. We can deliver your vision and give a unique experience for meat lovers, pescatarians, vegetarians and vegans.
Based in rural Perthshire we pride ourselves in having a sustainable, traceable, and ethical food sourcing and product procurement policy that goes well beyond what is the norm these days.
We also specialise in all styles of open fire cooking and have a great repertoire of cuisine styles and flexibility.
We’ve got the experience to cover your needs, be it dinner parties, shoot lunches, weddings, a private chef to cater for your week away or simply just to help out in anyway we can.
Our can do, will attitude is to make it easier and more pleasurable for you and your guests.
Like our Facebook page and book through our website and quote “Perthshire local”, and we will include an introductory offer of a free Drop & Go meal with every booking confirmed & paid for before the end of March 2023 (T’s & C’s apply)
